Kamis, 07 April 2011


Written by Lady Butterfly

“Raven...” a young lady asked her.

“Where is my shoes?” she shouted loudly. A black haired young girl appeared with her gloomy face in eighteen years old.

“You have threw it last night, didn’t you?” said her calmly while arranged flowers on ceramic jar.

“How could I...” she stopped her sentence, remember that she drank too much liquor in the court with Baron Viscount last night.

“Silly” the Raven murmured.

“Oh, my dear Raven” she begun to speak after grooming. She wore red gown and silver necklace, one of her beloved necklace. “I must attend the council meeting, will you go with me?” she said delightly.

“No, thanks. I have some homework” she replied, took some books on the table. It was Sunday and she must learn piano with Philiph, her butler and her teacher.

“Beatrix, let’s go” Seraphine, Beatrix younger sister entered the room. “We might be late” she stared Raven in unpleasant gaze. But Raven kept her smile, her clumsy and unreadable smile. But everyone knew that was a sweet smile.


It was getting dark but the Raven still outside. She palyed with her swing. She wore black rippled dress with the same hat. She really looks like raven.

“Lady Raven, it’s time for dinner” said Philliph. He is young, charm and talented. She leaved the swing and walked to dinning room lazily. There, a young lady sat proudly. She is her step-mother, Beatrix.

“Good evening madam” she sat on the edge of table.

“Good evening, Raven” she smiled delightly. “Where you have been?”

“Me? Oh, on the yard” she spoones soup which was served by Philliph. “Feeding crows” she added.

“They, just like you” Beatrix murmured. “My dear Raven” she continoued, showd her sweetest smile. “Baron Viscount will have dinner with us, tomorrow”

“Ah, yes, what a nice news” she smiled oddly.

“Yes, indeed”

“May I invite Jonathan?” she asked her before placed the last spoon of soup on her mouth. Thoose meals looks so delicious but Raven no longer had sense to eat them. They looks different after Beatrix appearance.

“Yes, off course. He is your childhood friend, is it right?”

“Yes” she placed her spoonon the table. “Is father back home for tomorrow’s dinner?”

“No, my dear, no. Your father has some business with his lawer in London. May be he would back next week or more” she said cheersly. It was like dark intention on her eyes. What she ought to do? thought Raven.


On that night Raven played piano beautifully. She made the Baron exited and give her some (pujian).

“Your playing as good as usual” said Johnathan who sat beside her.

“Thank you” Raven smiled to him, the only one who understand her sorrow. “Why you don’t play?” she asked him.

“Oh, my play is not good enaught” he said blusing.

“Oh, c’mon” she pleaded.

“Okay..okay..” he started to played moonlight sonata, his only one play. It was not bad at all but couldn’t prevent her raving mad.


“Raven, i brought some books for you” he put some books on the table. “It’s about India, i have read it. It was a wonderful adventure. An India prince who found artefac. And it’s about plans” he explained. But Raven eyes wathched her step-mother, Beatrix, who had drank with the Baron in the hall.

“Let’s go to the library it getting bord” said she, stared her angrily behind the curtain.


Raven sat on the bench. Her gaze flew far away, sometime in the past. Her father. Her mother. And herself smile happily. But those precious moment broke away when that woman appeared. Her mother getting sick and died one month later. Six month ago her father married Beatrix in her 20 years old. She was unmature, unstable young lady who full of emotion after her mother death.

Croaks... Croaks...Croaks...

Some ravens appeared and perched on the dryed brach, a sight that it was already dark. But Raven had no need to leave. She threw some sliced meat whitin her box. Some crows flew low around the bench. They ate greedily. “Just like Beatrix and her sister” she thought. Beatrix and Searaphin are love party and luxury. Her father nearly bankrupt because of that.

“Father, how poor you’re” she murmured threw another sliced meat. “You may rest in peace with your beloved motherin heaven”. She was know that her father already death. Beatrix was lie about herfather business. Philiph haved told her about drugs and poison which found in garbage.

“Father. Let me finish it for you” she leaved the bench and went home.


“God. Give me your bless. It is unforgiveable. It is an expensive payment, isn’t?” she prayed on the capel for awhile and searched her lovely step-mother, Beatrix”

“Lady Raven where you had been” Raven passed Philiph and stopped her step.

“Can you tell me where is mother”

“Your mother? Your...” he stopped his sentence. Raven never called her “mother”.

“Yes. She lied on the grave, right?” she leaved him with little satisfied smile.

In her room, or her mother’s ex-room, Beatrix basting. She displayed her jewelry collection, new dresses, and shoes. She looked so happy with sparkling necklace in her hand.

“My lovely Beatrix”

“Oh, my dear Raven” she said suprisingly. “Where you have been?”

“Capel” she answered emotionlessly.

“Look. Baron Viscount give me thoose jewelry” she said happily.

“They are looks beautiful”

“Thank you Raven. Is it suit for me?” she wore one of the necklacess. It was red silk ribbon. It is Chinese silk. She knew from its soft and brightcolor. Red, really suit for Beatrix.

“Let me hepl you” Raven cycling her neck, tided it. “You look suit with this gown and jewelry. You looks so beautiful, that’s why my father fall in love with you” said Raven caressed Beatrix’s jaw line. “And that’s why I hate you” she pressed her lips to her cheek. “You are cold” Raven stared her suprisingly but no answer.

“Why Beatrix? Why you not answer me?” but Beatrix still quite. “Of course, you couldn’t” she gasped. “You are died” she smiled to Beatrix corpse which was sat on the chair faced her dressing table with her neck cycling by her silk necklace thightly and loosely hands.

“Lady Raven. Shall we go now. The carriage is ready” Phillip appeared before the door. He actualy wathched what his lady had did. They leaved poor Beatrix on the mansion.

In the window, ravens sangs loudly. It was celebration song. A welcoming song of the dusk.

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