Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Flower Bouquet

“Florish flower” a young girl answered the phone that rang. “For coctail birthday party at Emerlad Hotel. Saturday,May 28th 2011. What kinds of flower?” she noted the message.

“One hundred tulips, 200 re roses, 500 white crysant and 200 yellow crisant and a pot of white catleya” she reapeted the message. “Thank you for your resrvation”

“Holly....” a young lady called her and huged her in rush.

“Rosaline... Are you plan to kill me?” said the young girl, gasping for air.

“Sorry” she let her arms from her assistant’s body.

The florish name is Holly. She is a partmimer in Rosaline’s flower shop ‘Florish Flower’. She is 17 years old. She love her job. She love flowers.

“What’s going on? You are not mad do you?” she saved the reservation note on the desk.

“I am very happy. May be I am the happiest woman in the world” she showed her wide smile in her round face and sparkling eyes.

“Let me guess” Holly thought awhile.

“Is Jason asked you for date?” she shaked her head. It was wrong.

“Is he planned to spen our summer vacation in Hawaii?” Holly touched her jaw. But Rosaline shaked her head.

“Is Jason give you a ring?” she said curiously.

“Yes... Yes..” she nodded. “Not only that. He asked me to marry him” she rised he left hands. A diamon ring palced on her ringfinger.


“Yes, and we decided to maried next month”

“Oh, I am glad to hear that. Jason is the perfect man in the world for the nicest woman like you, Rosaline” she smiled happily.

“Okay, you must accompany me to find the most beautiful wedding dress for me” Rosaline smiled to her, and Holly nodded.


“Nice flower bouquet” a young man stood beside Holly who was arrange flowers for propm night.

“Alex” she was supprised he was there. “Thank you” she said blushing. Alex is her classmate who appears in her dreams. He is pretty cute, kind and friendly. Her heart skip beat every passing.

“You are a partimer in flower shop, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Are you want some flowers? You can call me” she gave him the shop name card but he gigled.

“You do your job well as marketing”

“Are you tease me?” Holly said between her wide smile.

“Hmmm... May I come to your shop and learn about flower?”

“Of course. I’m work after lunch till it close”



At that night, Holly wore her best dress. No T-shirt and Levis like usual but purple rippled dress to her knee and flower band in her short brown hair. She looked beutiful, looked different.

“Hai, ya.. Holly, you’re look amazing” said Darren, her close friend. “Am I blind? I never see you like this” he started her, teasing. “Be my girlfriend”

“Yes, I will, but Serena will kill you first” she answered and they gigled when Serena, Darren girlfriend, came in.

“Holly” Alex called. “Shall we dance?”

“Oh, yes... Yes...” she replied grogily.

They danced, made herself flew away. She never touch him, never close like that. She stared him. She had realize that he has beautiful grey eyes and more when she met his gaze. It was a beutiful night.


“I prefer spider lily” Holly pointed a picture on the plants book. They were sat in the bench under willow tree in the begining of summer in June.

“I don’t thing so” said Alex. “It is a symbol of death” he pointed the following explanation.

“Alex, may I ask you something?”

“Yes, why not?” he closed the plants book.

“After that night” she started. “, before that. I admire you since I saw you at the first year” she bite her lower lip. “We go out and getting closer” she gasped, gather oxygent on her lungs. “I like you. You like me... but you never ask me as your girl friend, why?” she stared him with unreadale gaze.

“A...” Alex lost his word. It was not same as she thought about Alex. Holly is a cute, nice and diligent but just like others he played. “It is not same as your thought” he stared her seriously. “I.. I had Julia. We still in relationship altought she moved to New York” he explained the true situation about their relation.

“So, you tease me, right?” she asked him. “You are liar, Alex”

“Sorry” he said gulty. “I just wannna be your friend” he said. “Because Julia loves flower and I try to love too” he murmured but Holly had leaved him.


“Holly, why you’re look so glommy?” Rosaline fixed her dress for the last time before her marriage tomorrow. “Are you sad because I will married?” she stared her assistant eyes.

“No... I just...” she stopped her sentence lost her word, unable to gave explanation.

“C’mon. Don’t waste your time to think about Alex” she placed her palms on her cheeks. “You lost Alex but you’ll get better than him. Trust me and show me your sweetest smile” Holly started create a little smile in her face.

“Good girl” Rosaline took some rosses in her hand. “Then you must help me to place these flowers in my hair” asked her. Holly begun to put some roses in Rosaline black waved hair. She is happy has Rosaline as her friend and boss.


In her happy day, Rosaline was sparkling, just like pearl in her white silvery dress. She wore the same veil with some rosses. And Jason, American-Chinese guy, as the groom looked dash in his white tuxedo. They walked to the altar among flowers shower. The vow was spoken made the entire guess nearly in tear.

“Rosaline, Jason, congratulation for your marriage” said Holly among the guess.

“Thank you Holly” she smiled happily made her looked more beautiful.

Wedding song was sang. And the last marriage session is the most incredible session for the guess, especially young lady, when the couple throw their flower bouquet. Rosaline’s flower bouquet was arangement of red rose, the pasionate color between heavenly white.

“Three... Two... One...” they started to countdown. Rosaline and Jason threw their bouquet. It flew hight. Holly widened her eyes when the bouquet came in. She caught it but... a young man also caught the bouquet. Then Holly let her hand shily.

“Sorry” she said.

“Just take it easy” he gave the bouquet to Holly. “ I am Michael” he said with his beautiful smile. “The groom cousin” added the American-Chinese young guy.

“Holly” she held his hand and smiled. “Bride assistant and her friend too” she said, then they gigled.

Just like flower bouquet, their arrangement’s love is geting started.

2 komentar:

  1. Hi,

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  2. Thanks for your comment, i really grateful. And your recommendation too... Thank you.
