Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Akhir yang belum Ber-Akhir

This is my Road to Graduation.

it was hard to enter the college, to survive, to fight by all of my power and belief. And it is not easy to end. I start write my research "Teaching Speaking to Hotel Accommodation Students at SMK Kasatriyan Surakarta at Second Grade 2010/2011 Academic Year" in February till now. After passing hard day of research (rainy, windy, and dryness, I stand here with approval from my consultants. A lovely day, guys. But it is not the end.

I should give correction and send it to my consultant's house (Mr. Anam Sutopo) in Boyolali after all day long waiting for Mrs. Aryati Prasesyarini, my fist consultant.

Thank you God for your kindness and for all of your blessing to finish my research. God, bless us to finish this hope and hard work by your happiness. Ameen

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