Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

The Other

Good morning Juushiro-sama” I bow

Good morning Rekka-san, it is a beautiful morning isn’t?”

Yes, I think so” I said. Suddenly 5 squad captain appeared with his vice when we walked to go to the meeting.

5 squad taichou”

Good morning Aizen taichou, Hinamori fukutaichou” I said and bow.

Good morning” he smiled.

Good morning Ukitake taichou, Rekka fukutaichou” she said and bow.

It was a strange meeting for me. Seven years ago I never thought it will happen. Seven years ago, under the rain that fell from blue heaven. Never end. I couldn’t see anything, I just run, run, run and run. Far away, I have no name. They called me Rekka. It’s like a fire. And they said that I am like a flame.

When I was 16, I met him, a person who suddenly appears in my life. He’s like water in my dryness, but he also a scar. I don’t know exactly who is he, and what is his intension or aims. I never know, event in front of me. Aizen Sousuke was awesome. But he was like never Edge Ocean.

Juushiro sama, would you like to drink a cup of tea?”

With pleasure”

I poured a cup of tea for him and put some flower petals on it.

Nice ikebana”

Thank you” I continued to set those flower into old moon style. Some tulips, chrysanthemums, roses and baby’s breath and leaves are white pale with little pink or shimmering yellow.

Why you like to create an ikebana? Or are flowers really beautiful?”

I smiled. I couldn’t answer. And never found it yet. I just tried to thinking like that.

It is your effort” he smiled and drank tea from his cup.

Everything is beautiful, I just never felt it” a rose withered in my hand. It was a miserable beauty, no cure.

You are right” he put his cup on the floor and saw the skyline from the wide opened sliding door. It was blue with some clouds.

Juushiro have you recover?”


Kyoraku taichou” I bowed then served him a cup of tea after sitting.

Thank you Rekka san, your ikebana really beautiful. Is it to receive me?”

You can take it along after I finish it”

Hahahaha… I like your style Rekka san”

So do I”

Shunsui. Why do you come?”

I have no reason just visiting you. Are you bothered?”

Off course, no”

Ah, it’s just about new hollow in real world”

Modoki Hollow?”

Yes, little bit difficult to kill them because their regeneration ability”

Modoki Hollow? I never heard before?” I said

That’s why I said it was a new one and little bit difficult”

I continued to finish my ikebana when a hell butterfly flying in the garden. It gave me a message. I leaved them inside.

Ukitake-sama, may I leave you for the moment?”


Little bit difficult to understand his purpose to asked me to come to his room, Aizen taichou. Why he fooling me with his gentle spoken and touch? Why he always take me in difficult choices? Why he need me beside him? He can stand along, can’t he?

Rekka, close to me, please” he held my hand and pulled me close to him. I coldn’t accept his movement. I couldn’t stop it.

Ai san let me go now. Please”

You worried about Ukitake?”

Yes. He just recovers”

Why? You care about him but you throw me away?”

I didn’t mean like that, I just…” he broke my words by kiss. The melting ice filled my mouth. I just like flew away on the blue sky.

Rekka san”

Juushiro sama!” he makes me horrified.

What happen, Rekka San?”

Nothing. Everything’s all right”

I don’t thing so. You look so worried” he put an ice bag on his head, prevent his headache.

I just thinking about something, it’s not a big deal” I smiled.

It’s within the direction of your self”

Juushiro sama, sumimasen. I couldn’t share my feeling with you, no one. It’s my difficultness, my decision. Ai san, why you did it? Why you put me in confusedness.

Rekka san, night air can make you ill. Let’s go into the room”

I nodded and follow him.

To save Karakura town from hollows attack General Yamamoto asked me to choose some of vice captains” Hitsugaya taichou, the 10th division captain’s said.

I decided to ask Matsumoto Rangiku, Kira Izuru, Hisagi Shuuhei and Rekka by your captain’s agreement” he continued.

Is it dangerous as vice captains take this mission?” Matsumoto asked.

An ordinary shinigami can’t face it alone, even a group of them. Modoki hollow can be regenerates as many as they want. According to the reiatsu, it’s controlled by one hollow. It’s your duty to find and kill this one”

Yes, sir”

I heard you will go to the real world in this sort future”

Yes I will. I take the mission”


I have no reason to refuse it”

Even me?”

You’re nothing”

Don’t be phlegmatic” he held my hand, softly. It made me confuse, between feelings, need and not need. He gave me a soft kiss in hand. I would never refuse his touch, soft and warmth. It just likes totally oblivion.

Ai san, stop it” I said, half whisper when he pulled me close to him and kiss my neck.

No one cares”

But it’s not…”

Soft and sweet lips kiss me slowly; lead me to another strange feeling. My heart beats faster and faster like it would be explode. He moves his palm behind my yukata, rubs softly.

Ummfh…ungh…” he kept the kiss. I push him and run away. My tears flew instantly like falling rain now.

Aizen, what happened?

I watched my reflection on the mirror. A red colored in my left neck, Aizen’s lips trace. I touched my lips. It wasn’t my first but it was strange. I still felt his hands around my body. This feeling, I couldn’t understand. I enlaced a bandage around my neck; hide it from Juusiro-sama’s eyes. I wore my hakama as soon as possible and hurried into the meeting. I let my long hair hang loosely.

Rekka san, what happened with your neck? Are you fine?”

I am fine, Juushiro-sama” I bowed. I couldn’t hide this one, too obvious with bandage in my neck.


The bandage fell from my neck, my red neck trace skin expose. Juushiro-sama looked my neck and touched it softly, make my cheek flushes.

Is Rekka-san hurt?”

Ah. No. I’m fine” I said groggily.

It will be better if you stay in your room and take a rest for a while”

But Juushiro-sama, I am not ill” I protested.

I see, but you can’t go out by that condition. You might lost your control”


I can’t help if you lost the control of the fire inside”

Yes, sir” I felt guilty and stay in my room.

Keep stayed in my room whole day can’t make it better. Just make me seriously in stress. It was a nice evening; I took walk outside seiretei. I couldn’t think normally in this time. All about Aizen, his attitudes, spoken words and kiss, off course. Was Juushiro-sama have known about it? I was confusing my mind by this trouble.

Rekka san, what are you doing here?” a soft spoken girl come to me, Hinamori Momo, Aizen’s vice captain.

Hinamori Kun”

What are you doing?”

Nothing, just seeing sight”

Umm, it is a beautiful evening isn’t it?”

You’re right” I saw the wonderful sky, its saga, yellow, blue, orange and little bit pink.

Why you didn’t come in daily meeting today?”

I felt unhealthy”

Is it about Aizen taichou?”

Why you thought like that?”

Sumimasen. Last night I saw you with Aizen taichou, and I thought something already happened” she said innocence.

I smiled, nice little girl. ”It’s getting dark, lets back to seiretei”

Ah. Hai”

Rekka san?” an unpleasant voice behind me, I turned back. He stood proudly with his vice behind.

Ichimaru taichou”

I hate this person, but I have no reason why I did. His mysterious smile and his sharp tongue make me uncomfortable. I didn’t know why, but I thought it’s better to stay away from this person.

Let me see, what this is?” he touched my neck suddenly, make me horrified and stepped back.

Ichimaru taichou” Kira shouted suddenly.

Nee, Izuru!” he shake his head and smiled.

What do you want, Ichimaru tiachou?”

Nothing” he leaved me. ”Izuru, follow me” Kira walked behind him.

Rekka san, sorry” he bow before leaving.

I touched my neck. I hate this person, no more reason.

Suzaku” a flaming blade appeared in my hand. It was not my usual blade. In other word I have two swords, my daily and my zanpakutou in short. My zanpakutou abilities little bit same as General Yamamoto’s Ryuujin Jakka or Kidou cannon, element of fire. The divine sword of fire, Suzaku, Ryuu jin guardian from south. Those sparkling fire around me turned into ash. It was beautiful but dangerous as same as Juushiro-sama word. If the fire inside looses its control something bad will happen.

A reflection of Aizen’s face suddenly appeared in my eyes. I did’t know why, I couldn’t forget it. His calm face was dangerous, his clumsy smile, and his gloomy eyes. I was not bear about his soft and sweet kiss, his gentle touch and his gaze. It made me loose my mind. Is it my self anymore? This trouble feeling, I couldn’t bear. I needed more but… Wet balls of tears dropped from my eyes. I was crying. I was crying just because need to be with him and laying my head on his chest like other our meetings.

Rekka…” a soft spoken voice called my name. I guessed it’s just my hallucination. It’s Aizen deep voice. I still covered my face with palms.

Are you ok?” soft fingers grabbed my hands and pulled me closer. A delicate smell which was I have known as Aizen’s.

Aizen…” I hugged him in rush.

Re…” he caressed my hair in delight. He pressed his kiss in my forehead softly. My body flushed and getting sweat but it’s cold.

How cold you are? I’ll warm you up”

Aizen took me to his private room in 5 squad exclusive military area. I didn’t know what it will be happen. And I didn’t care. He carried me like a groom did.

Aizen” I took hiss glasses of, caressed his gloomy face.

Rekka” he took my hand and kissed it.

Don’t let me alone” I whispered, I laid my head on his wide chest.

I won’t. I have waited you for seven years” he pressed his lips against mine.

Since our first meeting?” I mumbled.

Since you scratch my arm” he said, after broke the kiss.

I could see the scar in his right unclothe arm. I caressed it gently and kiss it.

I’m sorry” I begged.

It was not your default. It was long time ago” he kissed my hand. “And now, you’re here” his delight brown eyes stared me in deep. I bitted his jaw and shoulder softly.

His body laid on mine, so warmth. He gave me soft deep and delight sweet kisses.

He kissed my throat lightly, and I caressed his brown hair. I never felt like that before. I felt broke into pieces. Aizen.

Sun light craved from the window, blinding me. I stared a calm face beside me. Aizen still on his dream with his little satisfied smile. I pressed my lips on his cheek, he opened his eyes suddenly.

Ai… Sorry”

He pressed his fore finger in my lips.

Are you fine?” he caressed my cheeks softly, made it flush.

I’m fine” I took his hand and kiss it, softly.

Tok..tok…tok… someone knocked the door.

Aizen taichou” a soft spoken voice, Hinamori kun’s.

I must leave now” he stood and wears his hakama.

Aizen taichou, are you there?” Hinamori still stood on the door for waiting.

Aizen” I embraced him. “Don’t let me alone” I whispered, near cry.

Rekka” He pulled me close to him and kissed my neck lightly. “I won’t do that. I’ll protect you” then he pressed his lips against to mine.

I lost my own control. In vague I see Hinamori leaved the door. Aizen never answer her yet. May be she thought that Aizen wasn’t here. But he was here with me, spent our day and night.